K-12 Student of the Month Program – Freedom Scientific
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K-12 Student of the Month Program

Freedom Scientific’s Student of the Month Program is excited to feature K-12 students in the U.S. who are blind or low vision and have shown a conscientious commitment to their educational objectives.

Nominees must be students who are blind or low vision and who use Freedom Scientific technology in pursuit of educational goals.

A student can either self-nominate or be nominated by someone else. Any student under the age of 18 must have parental consent to participate. Every month a student will be selected as the Freedom Scientific Student of the Month.

To accept the award, the student must provide a short video that includes:

  • First name
  • One way they use Freedom Scientific technology for school
  • Their favorite thing about the software or device

The selected Freedom Scientific Student of the Month will receive a $500 Amazon gift card, a free computer from Computers for the Blind, and their story will be featured by Freedom Scientific on our blog and social media: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Nominate A Student (opens in new window)